How to Save Money on Food: 12 Important Ways

Table of Contents Switch to Cheaper Brands Use Coupons Shop for Deals Buy in Bulk/Shop Wholesale Meal Prep Shop the Reduced Section Stock Up On Tinned Foods Try Healthy Alternatives Set a Weekly Food Budget Reduce Meat Consumption Avoid Display Ads and Bags Buy Frozen Food Have you ever looked at your bank account and […]

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Safety Measures for Hospitality Industry Employees

Table of Contents   Slips, Trips, and Falls  Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Injuries from Machines and Supplies Fire Hazard Mental Illness or Stress Muscle Injuries Electrical Hazards Cuts, Scalds, and Burns Fatigue Exposure to Heat or Cold Good Practices to Keep Your Workers Safe Safety Measure Idea: Panic Button and Evacuation Plan Safety Measure Idea: […]

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How to Protect Service Sector Employees from a Workplace Attack

Table of Contents What is Workplace Violence? Which Industries Are the Most Vulnerable? Is Your Company Ready? How to Remove Hazardous Conditions  Preventative Steps Post-Incident Steps Insurance Conclusion Workplace violence is an unfortunate reality for many employees, particularly in the service sector. As a business owner, not only should you be concerned about your employees’ […]

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8 Things to Do If You Struggle with Mortgage Payments

Table of Contents What to Do if You Cannot Pay Your Mortgage What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Mortgage? What is a Repayment Holiday? Get Financial Advice from Mortgage Advisors Create and Manage Your Budget Earn Extra Money Get a Temporary Loan Ask for a Capitalisation of Arrears Use Your Personal Pension Surrender Your […]

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Things to Consider When Buying Private Health Insurance

Table of Contents Affordability How Much Does Private Health Insurance Cost? Convenience Options FAQ How does private health insurance work in the UK? What will my insurance cover? What are the limitations? Who can get it? A Temporary Solution There is no such thing as free, comprehensive healthcare. Many essential services are not available through […]

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10 Super Ways to Save Money Over Time

Table of Contents How to Start Saving Money 1. Track Your Spendings 2. Budgeting Brilliance 3. Avoid Dining Out 4. Pay off Your Debts 5. Savvy Shopping 6. Use Your Change 7. A Pound a Day 8. Make Use of Older Items 9. Check Your Monthly Subscriptions 10. Open a Savings Account Where to Save […]

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7 Ways to Pay Medical Bills You Cannot Afford

Table of Contents What to Do When You Receive a Medical Bill? How to Pay Medical Bills 1. Payment Plans 2. Medical Credit Cards Benefits of Medical Credit Cards 3. Unsecured Credit Lines 4. Personal Loans 5. No Interest Credit Cards 6. Payday Loans 7. UK HealthCare Financial Help Program Common Medical Billing Mistakes Everyday […]

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The Ultimate Cash Flow Management Guide for Entrepreneurs

Table of Contents What is Cash Flow Management? Measuring Cash in Your Business How to Make a Profit Predicting Cashflow Managing Income and Expenses Small Business Cashflow Management Techniques Business Investments Sum Up Managing your cash flow is an important and valuable part of any business as it ensures you are remaining solvent. Additionally, it […]

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Ways to Help You Manage Your Financial Health

Table of Contents What Is Financial Health? How to Improve Your Financial Health Keep Tabs on Your Financial Documents Set Financial Goals, Track, and Budget Budget Tracking Your Progress Practical Advice Get Financial Support Monitor Repairing Your Credit Score Manage Investments Sum Up If you think that financial well-being is about the amount of money […]

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Simple Guide to Doorstep and Logbook Loans

Table of Contents What are Doorstep Loans? Advantages Doorstep Loan Interest Rates What Are Logbook Loans? Risks of taking out logbook loans: Things to think about before taking out a logbook loan: Alternative Financing in the Aftermath of COVID-19 It used to be not-at-all strange to open your door to a stranger holding a knife. […]

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