Benefits You Can Claim if Resigning from a Job

Table of Contents What Benefits Am I Entitled to If I Resign from My Job? New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) New Style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Universal Credit Pension Credit How to Resign from a Job Know Your Rights and Obligations Communicate Professionally Prepare Financially Seek Professional Advice Maintain Professional Relationships Additional Resources Financial […]

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Our Guide on Loans for People on Benefits

Table of Contents Can I Get a Loan While on Benefits? Where and How Can I Get a Loan? Which Benefits Count as an Income? Which Benefits Do Not Count as an Income? Eligibility Criteria Is a Guarantor Needed? How Much Can Someone Hope to Borrow? What Are the Likely Terms for Repayment? Types of […]

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How to Make Money Online Without Paying Anything

Table of Contents Embrace the Freelance Lifestyle Picking the Perfect Platform Crafting a Captivating Portfolio Pro Tips for the Aspiring Freelancer Turn Your Passion into Pounds with Affiliate Marketing Choosing Products that Resonate Building Your Digital Empire Expert Hacks for Affiliate Success Pocket Money for Your Thoughts with Online Surveys Navigating the U.K. Survey Scene […]

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What Is a Mortgage Valuation and What Is It Used For?

Table of Contents How Does Mortgage Valuation Work? What Is a Mortgage Valuation Used For? How Is a Property Valued? How Long Does a House Valuation Take? How Much Does Mortgage Valuation Cost? Understanding the Defects and Common Types   What Is a Home Survey? Mortgage Valuations vs. House Surveys What Is Down Valuation? How to […]

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What Expenses Can I Claim as a Sole Trader?

Table of Contents Understanding Allowable Expenses Office Expenses Travel and Transport Legal and Financial Costs  Business Premises Advertising and Marketing  Staff Costs Training Courses Clothing Expenses How to Reduce Expenses Outsource Non-Essential Activities Cut Back On Utilities Leverage Social Media For Marketing Negotiate With Suppliers Share Some Costs With Neighbouring Businesses Sum Up One of […]

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How Much Should I Save Each Month in the UK

Table of Contents Average Saving Statistics in The UK The Most Common Forms of Saving in the UK Short-Term Savings Account Long-Term Savings Account Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) Cash ISA Stocks and Shares ISA Lifetime ISA Junior Cash ISA Junior Stocks and Shares ISA FAQ What Should I Be Saving For? What If I Am […]

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How to Manifest Money for Success

Table of Contents What is Money Manifesting? ​​How to Manifest Money Fast? Keep An Open Mind Practice Positive Affirmations Use Goal-Setting Techniques Assign Value and Intention to Your Money Change How You View Money  Visualize Your Accomplishments Be Thankful Conclusion The theory of money manifestation stems from the law of attraction and the New Thought […]

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How to Improve Your Credit Score Fast

Table of Contents What is a Good Credit Score? How to Calculate Credit Score Payment History Amount Owed  Length of Credit History New Credit Credit Mix What Do Lenders See When You Apply for a Loan?  Personal Information Financial Information Credit-Specific Information Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score Timely Payments Should You Completely Pay […]

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Brexit Impact on Financial Services

Table of Contents Changes Resulting from Brexit Brexit Effect on UK Economy Brexit and Financial Services Impact of Brexit on UK Companies Positive Impacts of Brexit Sum Up Brexit was a major headline for the media pre-pandemic. The United Kingdom was the first and only sovereign country to leave the European Union successfully, but how […]

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Benefits and Disadvantages of Four-Day Workweek

Table of Contents About Four-Day Working Week in General Working Weeks in Different Countries  Four-Day Working Week Countries  Four-Day Working Week UK Trial Benefits Better Time Management  New Business Venture Extra Capital and Reduced Costs Increased Productivity Higher Employee Engagement and Production Fewer Health Issues and Reduced Burnout  Happier and More Connected Employees Disadvantages Not […]

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